Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Short SMS Prayer for Friends

There are times when prayer is the only gift I can give to people I care for so I always pray to God to look after you every day, make you happy, give you peace and many reasons to smile.


Today, be like a sponge and absorb only what is good and beautiful so that when you are squeezed, only what is pleasing to God will come out.


Prayer is neither an extra option… nor a last resort when all other methods have failed. When a man works, man works. But when a man prays, God works.


When we are given heavy loads by God, it only means that we are worthy of His trust. He always listens when we pray. Yet He answers them in His own perfect time.


God loves you so much that He turns His ears to you constantly. He always answers your requests maybe not with a ‘yes’, but always with what is best.


When you reach the edge of a cliff, you must trust God enough to let go. Then one of two things will happen. Either He will catch you when you fall, or He will teach you how to fly!


Sometimes in life we tend to run so fast we don’t notice God’s running with us. We only notice Him when we fall, yet He stops and carries us.


No one has travelled the bridge of success without ever crossing the streets of failures. God never promised us an easy journey in life, only safety on board.


Sometimes God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes He breaks our hearts to make us whole.
Sometimes He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes He sends us illness so that we take better care of ourselves.
Sometimes He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything He’d given.
Sometimes we never really realize how kind, great and good God is. We simply ignore Him.


Remember God first before you begin the daily games of your life. Put Him as your weapon in happiness, in guts and trials, in strength and in success. Have a good day!


The secret to a happy life is giving God the first part of your day; the first priority to your every decision; and the first place in your heart.


Prayer lifts our hearts above the battles of life, and gives us a glimpse of God's resources, which spells LOVE and HOPE. God bless you all the time!


Nice people make us see what it means to be blessed by God. He has blessed me with you. So let me say, "Thank you for being one of my blessings."


Nothing makes a new day more promising than having the right heart, the right spirit, the right mind, and the right strength that comes from God!


Life's never easy. You can decide for things you need but you can't expect a good result. You can choose a lifestyle you want but you can't be sure of contentment. You can enjoy the feeling of loving and being loved but, there is no sure way for true happiness. But if we let God be our life's guide, we can be sure of safe landing, real contentment and true happiness.


A good looking woman works out to keep her body in shape. But a pretty woman kneels down in prayer to keep her heart in shape.


God is always at work in you. That's why you always have to be confident in everything you do. He is not just beside you or behind you... But He is IN you!


We are not supposed to always understand why certain things happen. We don't have to always know the reasons why God allows some things to take place. All that is asked from us is to trust Him completely and let Him be in control. God will never fail us...


May God inspire you when you feel down, encourage you when you feel like quitting, and guide you when all things become confusing. Stay happy! That's how God wants us to be...

Thursday, 15 February 2018

The Moving Sex Doll in Nigeria

When I arrived Lagos yesterday, I stayed at Mainland Hotel. It was as if everything was waiting for me to step my feet.
           A little way down the street of the hotel, a young woman accosted me and said,
           " Lagos is a city of madmen".
           The sun was blistering in the high sky. Its heat may have been having its toll on the brains of men, So, why would not everybody be mad?
          The young woman nodded, but said something I did not hear clearly.
People were moving in different directions as though the weather in Lagos was created to punish and reward.  I never knew quite when an okada man would fly into me so, Lagos had taught me to blend into my surroundings by wearing a streetwise frown at everybody.
          Just as I was about to enter Willoughby Street, another lovely woman walked into my lane. Not that I was running away from her, but I needed some kind of musical interlude to process the scene unfolding in my mind. If it had been at Denton street, I would not have given it a second thought at all. Things were happening too fast, and no one could predict the kind of good luck I knew was following me around.
          Trying to make lemons out of lemonade after moving away from the scene, I tried to shift the focus by standing at Herbart Macaulay - Mutala Mohamed Way to observe the people moving around.
          Some women have jewels and jewelry as their god. Still, others make-up and paint themselves, so that they look like harlots. Some men made their trousers to tight them everywhere. Many wear transparent things and sleeveless dresses that show people their arm-pits, thereby spreading lust-waves among people.  Their sense of fashion is to show their cleavage anywhere - in the office, church, funerals all over town - without considering the feelings of those around.
          Just look at them;
          Their breasts are generously exposed and even the smelly armpits are not spared. The trouser starts at the buttocks (no longer at the hips/waist) revealing the dirty cleavages behind and all that. Items of clothing that are called under wears are boldly displayed; they become externalized, thereby becoming over-wears! As one writer remarked, girls and ladies of nowadays boldly move about with the kind of attires that their mothers were ashamed to wear to bed.
          Indecent dressing is the major cause of the various assault and sexual harassments recorded in the society, overtime. When people look at you and what comes to their mind is sex just know that you are a moving sex doll. Are you just a sex object? Why do you prefer looking sexy?
          There are three (3) major ways of identifying a mad person.
           1. He is always naked, 2. He dresses in rags and 3. His hair is always disheveled.
Unfortunately, in our very presence, the youth of these days and some that are not so young have turned these indicators of madness into statements of fashion! The girls-and some women, some mothers, literally move about naked in the name of fashion. These are just Madness.

PLEASE SAY NO TO INDECENT DRESSING because I can hear the devil speak;

I was in their cities spreading the spirit of indecent dressing amongst the ladies.
I was in their internet hooking them with spirits of sexual seduction.
I was in their towns creating natural disasters to render them miserable.
I was everywhere hooking millions to sin and adding to my kingdom to be larger.
The kingdom of darkness is booming and bringing in many souls everywhere, everyday

Message from OnuhJustus Izuchukwu

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Open Letter to Jenifer on Valentine Day

I am always glad to have tidings from the kind, faithful friend of my youth whose messages of love made my heart yearn to see her again and again.

My hands were shaking as I opened your letter yesterday at the University Stadium. Before I even read it, I was in tears because I could remember how your voice was softer and seemed  to be shrinking when I first met you in my first year at University of Nigeria Nsukka.

 Was that on Valentine day? “Yes, It was.

Honestly, that was the first time I saw hurt in your eyes. I do not know why I am writing this to you, because I just met you many years ago. You know,  the more you see someone the more you know more things about him.

I expected your letter before yesterday but you just surprised me, you seemed frazzled and a little irritated when you handed the letter to me.
 What do you mean when you say you love me? What do you mean by these your words?

"I never loved anyone but you, never with that love which you alone merit, which is yours alone, which has always been in the depths of my heart, and will be there as long as I live".

That secret colloquy I think had become a dark night, and the chamber, lighted only by the feeble glimmer of a lamp, in such a state of comparative gloom which would have been a reminder to the young people at any time to provide themselves with more light, but they did not think so. The young people have refused to understand the real meaning of Love. There is an abysmal difference between love and sex. But now they use them interchangeably.  
Let me ask you again... what do you mean when you say you love me?

If you say you love me, can you die for me? Do you love me because of what you will get from me. Just like many women would do, when they want something from you, you become their sweetheart, their honey, and everything... Who is fooling who?.
Can you defined the object of love when you say you love me? Is your object of Love the pleasure? Is it the intrinsic goodness or utility?

When almost every bloom of Spring had fallen, and only a few, withered and pale, clung to the parent stem, a leaf exclaimed to its companions: “how feeble and useless are these blossoms, though they have enjoyed but now they no longer. If she is gentle and kind to everyman; she never says “No, I won't” or “No, get out,” and never disagree with men. She keeps her clothes neat and clean, and always have quarrel with her father and mother, and not even interested in God.

I shout with Eliakim Littell, that Human hearts beat now as they did then, and are alike swayed by doubts, and fears, and hopes, with LOVE reigning above all. Thou, ' YOUTH of modern days, sighing in vain for some cold-hearted damsel; thou, dreaming maiden, who worshippest one above all, calling this devotion, respect, admiration—anything but love; and thou, calm philosopher, who hast suffered and ... He was not like those moody, sentimental lovers, always sighing and pining; still less was he addicted to those...

 Let me tell you the truth, if you say you love me... Let your object of your love be intrinsic goodness not pleasure or utility. Good people love each other because of what they are in themselves. They do not use humanity in others as a means to another thing rather an end. Friends are those who wish and do good for each other. Friends are those who grieve and rejoice with another.

Since friendship lies more in loving says Aristotle, it will seem that the virtue of friendship is to love.

And lastly, let your Love be sacrificial.  As in John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Remember that in 1 John 4:8 God is Love, if God is Love then if I tell you that I love you, then you can substitute God with Love. In other words, I God You. Any love that has no connection with God is not a perfect Love. I LOVE YOU. Happy Valentine Day and as today marks the beginning of the Lenten period (Ash Wednesday) I wish you a wonderful Lantern period  By Onuh Justus Izuchukwu

Monday, 5 February 2018

No Woman is Ugly

A woman’s beauty comes from so many more places than her outer appearance. True beauty lies within and if you know of anyone who values a lady based strictly on her looks – then you know a very shallow person.

Here are some Natural Beauty Quote for women Women
1. A woman whose smile is open and whose expression is glad has a kind of beauty no matter what she wears. --- Anne Roiphe ---

2. For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. ---Audrey Hepburn---

3. All women are beautiful, regardless of their looks. You just need to touch their soul with respect and appreciation for their inner beauty and you will be rewarded with joy. The heart is way more important than the package. Women are the God’s greatest gift to man and we should cherish and protect them, each and every one. ---Izunwaonu---

4. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.

---Audrey Hepburn---
5. Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty. ---Coco Chanel---

6. Though beauty gives you a weird sense of entitlement, it’s rather frightening and threatening to have others ascribe such importance to something you know you’re just renting for a while. ---Candice Bergen---

6. The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. ---Izunwaonu---

7. A woman's beautiful face attracts a flirter, a woman's beautiful heart attracts a lover, a woman's beautiful character attracts a man. --- Unknown---

8. Girls don't need a short and tight skirt or a low cut top to impress a guy. A girl doesn't need a lot of make up on their face to look beautiful, all a girl needs to look beautiful is a nice personality, a natural smile, and to be true to themselves. ---Izunwaonu ---

9. It’s not the clothes that make you look beautiful. It’s YOU that make the clothes look beautiful. ---Unknown---

10. A girls most beautiful outfit ever is charisma, the prettiest accessory is smile, and the best pair of heels is confidence. ---Unknown---

11. I am a woman. I am not a princess. I have emotions, options, a temper, a very loud voice and one hell of a right hook. ---Unknown---

12. True beauty can’t shine through make-up. ---Izunwaonu---

13. Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. ---Marilyn Monroe---

14. Every girl is beautiful, it sometimes just takes the right guy to see it. ---Unknown---

15. I look in the mirror and think I’m ugly. I look at pictures of me and think I’m fat. I look at my reflection in glass and think my nose is too big. But when I look at you, I feel like the most beautiful girl in the world…because you treat me like one.

16. You do not really know how pretty a girl is until you’ve met her, all the beauty lays in the personality. ---Zac Effron---

17. No one ever told me I was pretty when I was a little girl. All little girls should be told they’re pretty, even if they aren’t. ---Marilyn Monroe---

18. Every girl is beautiful. God made you perfect. You’re all beautiful in his eyes. So smile and accept yourself. He loves you and someday He will give you that one man who will see you as the one and only perfect woman for him. God will give you that one man who will treasure you and will do everything not to break your heart. So until then, wait patiently. Dont give your heart to anyone who doesn’t deserve it, because the one God has for you could come at any moment. And you want to be able to give your heart to him. ---Unknown---

FORGIVE ME. By Onuh Justus Izuchukwu

I was the man who misunderstood her intentions. She saw a Rose (flower) in my computer bag and she insisted in knowing who it is meant for...