must be a reason for this sobering judgment. There are two reasons. The first
is that there are no rational grounds for giving up one’s belief in the truths
revealed by God and taught by the Catholic Church for two thousand years. The
second reason is that God will never be wanting with His grace to sustain a
professed believer in the Catholic religion.
of this was a prelude to our principal focus, that we must understand our
Catholic faith or risk the prospect of losing it. Recall the parable of the
sower as described by Our Lord in the Gospel of St. Matthew. The sower went out
to sow his seed. It was all good seed. But it was not all good ground on which
the seed fell. There were four kinds of ground, and only the last soil produced
any yield. The first ground on which the seed fell was the pathway. It was hard
ground and the seed remained on the surface, just long enough for the birds of
the air to come along and eat up all the seed that had been sown (cf. Mt.
13:4-8). When the disciples asked Jesus to explain the parable, He told them, “When anyone hears the words of the Kingdom
without understanding, the evil one comes and carries off what was sown in his
heart” (Mt. 13:19). There we have it! It is both that simple and that
tragic. The revealed truth has been sown into our hearts at baptism. But that
was only the beginning. We must do everything in our power to understand what
we believe. Otherwise the devil will come along and steal the faith from our
does it mean to know? It means to be
aware of (something) through observation, inquiry or information. It is
true that when you are ignorant, you oppose the faith (cf. 1Tim. 1:13). However,
it is not the case to hear about your faith and not grasp knowledge of the
truth (cf. 2Tim. 3:7-8).
can be said to mean, the assent of the
intellect to everything which God has revealed. This in conjunction with
the definition of Faith given in the mini-catechism book as, a supernatural gift of God which enable us
to believe without doubting whatever God has revealed; makes it clear that
“faith” drives away doubt from the unset and brings in awareness, total
submission and adherence to the will of God, and the teachings of Christ (passed
on to us by the apostles).
do we mean by understanding the faith? We mean growing in our grasp of what we
believe. The core of God’s revelation is the mysteries which He has shared with
the human race. By definition, a Christian mystery is something which cannot be
rationally conceived before revelation, or fully comprehended even after being
revealed. Such are the mysteries of the Holy Trinity, the Incarnation of the
Son of God, the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, the Sacrifice of
the Mass, and the Seven Sacraments. Such too are the mysteries of God’s
creating the world out of nothing, His infinite love even to dying on the Cross
for our salvation, His teaching on the indissolubility of Christian matrimony,
His command that we love one another as a condition for a heavenly destiny, His
prohibition of sexual experience outside of marriage, His promise of heavenly
beatitude if we serve Him faithfully and His warning of everlasting loss of
happiness if we reject His merciful love. It is one thing to believe these
mysteries. It is something else to grasp them. Concretely this can be expressed
in several words. We grow in our faith by making our faith: more intelligible, clearer,
more certain, more effective, and more apostolic. Each of these five qualities
is part of what we are calling growth in knowing the faith we profess.
More Intelligible:
What we believe are mysteries which only God fully understands. Even an
eternity in heaven will not give us a complete grasp of these revealed truths.
However, it is one thing to say that we cannot comprehend, which means fully
understand; it is something else to say that we cannot understand what we
believe. To grow in our knowledge and understanding of the faith means to make
it more meaningful, more deeply grasped, and more real in our lives. Take the
mystery of the Real Presence. By the end of the sixteenth century, the
Protestants who separated from the Catholic Church had no less than two hundred
interpretations of Our Lord’s words at the Last Supper, “This is my body – This
is my blood.” There is only one meaning to the Real Presence. It is Jesus Christ.
It is the Son of God who became the son of Mary, who died on Calvary, rose from
the dead, ascended into heaven, and is now on earth in every tabernacle of
every Catholic Church in the world. When we receive the Holy Eucharist, Jesus
Christ is in our bodies no less than he was in the womb of His blessed Mother
the moment she conceived Him at Nazareth.
Growing in the knowledge of our faith also means growing in the clearness of
our understanding of the mysteries that we believe. Take such a truth as sin,
which we believe incurs guilt before God. What a difference it makes to know
that sin is the source of guilt and know what guilt really is. The Catholic
Church has no doubt in this matter. Guilt means the loss of God’s grace. Every
sin we commit always deprives us, in greater or less measure of the grace we
possessed before we had sinned. On these terms, mortal sin is a loss of sanctifying
grace that we need to reach heaven. Venial sin is a loss of more or less of
God’s friendship, without losing the title to eternal glory. Moreover, every
sin carries with it a debt of suffering which is incurred. Mortal sin deserves
eternal separation from God. Venial sin deserves a greater or less degree of
what we call temporal punishment. Most people simply take for granted that sin
is sin. Our Catholic faith tells us that God became man precisely to teach us
what is right and what is wrong; what is virtue and what is vice. If there is
one area of faith that we must grow in understanding it is how we are to use
our wills in obedience to the will of God.
More Certain:
To be certain means to be sure that something is true. Thus I am certain that I
exist. I am certain that I live. I am certain that if I want people to love me,
I must love them. Is it possible for a person to believe that sacramental,
consummated marriage cannot be dissolved by any human power on earth, and yet
not be absolutely certain that this is true? Not only is it possible but, this
is one of the basic reasons for so many professed Catholics getting divorces
and soliciting annulments. They have not been absolutely convinced of Christ’s
teaching that two Christians who marry become two in one flesh and have His own
guarantee of grace to persevere in marital fidelity until death.
More Effective:
Our faith is not only a virtue in the mind. We define faith as the assent of
the intellect to everything which God has revealed. But that is not enough. We
are to put our faith into practice. We are to make it effective in our moral
lives. As Catholics, we recognize the bishop of Rome as the Vicar of Christ. We
believe that he has supreme authority to preserve and explain Christ’s teaching
for all times. At the same time, what do we see? We see the authority of the
Holy Father widely ignored, even openly rejected in circles that are
professedly Catholic. We are saying that our faith must become more effective.
This is not rhetoric. It is plain reality. Why? Because it requires humility of
mind to believe and humility of will to do what we believe is the will of God. As
our culture becomes more academically sophisticated, Catholic believers must
become more spiritually childlike. Either we grow in this child likeness, which
Christ told us is a condition for reaching heaven, or we may advertise
ourselves as Catholics but we become Catholics only in name – without knowing
and practicing our faith.
More Apostolic:
Nothing that we receive from God is to be kept just to ourselves. We are to
share God’s gifts with those whom He places into our lives. Among the gifts of
God, none is more fundamental than the virtue of faith. According to St. Paul,
“Faith is the substance of things to be
hoped for, the evidence of things that are not seen” (Heb. 11:1). Is there
anything more precious that we can share with others than this gift of faith?
It is the foundation of everything the human heart can hope for. It is the
proof that everything in this world is only a means to reach that eternal home
where Christ and His Mother are waiting for us. Our mind should be in desperate
need for God’s truth. It is almost twenty centuries since Christ proclaimed the
Gospel to the world.
to this day only a fraction of the human race has even heard that God became
man and died on the Cross so we might enjoy Him in heavenly eternity. Our Lord
told us that He will proclaim us before His heavenly Father if we proclaim Him
before men here on earth. This is both a promise and a warning. It is not
enough for us to believe. We must labour and exhaust ourselves, to share the
riches of God’s truth with others. No one gets to heaven alone. Either we help
others reach their heavenly destiny by our apostolic zeal, or we risk our own
celestial destiny.
began earlier by making the blunt statement, “Understand your Catholic faith or
lose it.” There is a painfully obvious reason for saying this. Never in the
history of our nation has there been such a loss of Catholics leaving the Church
as in our generation.
my judgment the root cause is that so many once believing Catholics have given
up their fidelity to the one true Church because they have not understood the
precious treasure of their faith. Once believing Catholics have abandoned their
faith because they did not understand what they presumably believed. There is a
second parable in the same chapter of St. Matthew’s Gospel about the sowing of
seed (cf. Mt. 13:24-30).
doubt the basic reason for the massive drainage in Nigerian Catholicism is that
so many academically educated Catholics had not grown up in the understanding
of their faith.
there is a parallel cause for this mass exodus of Catholics in our nation. It
is the sowing of the weeds of untruth and the cockle of pseudo-Catholicism in
our society.
it any wonder that so many Catholics have given up their faith? The wonder is
that there are still Catholics who remain faithful to the teachings of Christ
and the Church He founded.
What is the solution?
It is nothing less than an organized effort to re-educate people in
understanding their faith. This faith, we know, is no abstraction. It is the
truth revealed by God who became man and who identified himself as the Truth. Christ
tells us, “If you abide in my word, you
shall be my disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make you free” (Jn. 8: 31-32). As we grow in the understanding of our
faith, we grow in our understanding of Jesus Christ. As we grow in
understanding Him, we grow in our freedom to love Him with all our hearts and
enjoy Him, already here on earth, with something of the happiness that awaits
us in eternity.
should always bear in mind that, “reason
based in man’s finitude, cannot comprehend the infinite mysteries of faith, and
even while pointing towards them, however indistinctly.” When you have
faith, and you know your faith, and put it to practice; you are carrying out
its goal which is Theosis – participation
in the divine nature (cf. CCC 460; 2Pt. 1:4). St. Augustine admitted, “Understanding is the reward of faith.
Therefore, seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you
may understand.” Before we are sacramentally initiated and confirmed, we
first professed our faith; and then, came to a gradual understanding of the
faith, so as to be ready at all times to give answer when we are called upon to
account for the hope we have, and faith we profess (cf. 1Pt. 3:15).
follows also that, when you know your faith, and you hold on to it, no one can
confuse or deceive nor convince you wrongly (cf. 1Tim. 1:6-7). One can also
follow the good examples of great women of faith in the bible, like: Mary (the
Mother of Christ) Ruth, Sarah, Pricilla and Aquila (cf. Rom. 16:3-4; Acts
18:3), Miriam, Esther, Naomi, Deborah, Lydia (cf. Acts 16:14-15), Mary Magdalene, and St. Ann (Mary’s mother);
and many more. However, these women were recorded in history as credible and
trustworthy witnesses to the faith. They never loosed faith.
Catholics are familiar with the insinuation; “Doctrine will not save you! Doctrine will not save you!” One
fundamental question most Catholics tend to forget to ask is, “are these insinuators, then, implying that
the Christian religion has no doctrinal component?” For the Lord Jesus
Christ, it was not always miracles, miracles and more miracles. He always found
time to teach. When He said, “I and the
Father are one” (Jn. 10:30), the Lord was teaching doctrine (The Trinity).
When He empowered His apostles after His resurrection saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive
anyone his sins, they are forgiven, if you do not forgive them, they are not
forgiven” (Jn. 20:22), He was most certainly teaching doctrine (Confession
and Reconciliation). When He told the proud Jews, “….unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you
have no life in you,” there can be no doubt at all that the Lord Jesus was
teaching doctrine (The Eucharist). Also, His Apostle, Paul, was to instruct
Timothy on doctrine as follows, “Watch
your life and doctrine (teaching/faith) closely. Persevere in them, because if
you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers” (1Tim. 4:16). And
another fundamental question sets in, “how
then do these people imagine that the doctrine a Christian holds, whether sound
or otherwise, does not affect his/her salvation?” From all that has been
prelisted and explained, I wish and pray, as St. Paul solicited with Timothy;
he said, “Timothy, my son, I command you
to fight the good fight, fulfilling the prophetic words pronounced over you.
Hold onto faith and a good conscience, unlike those who, ignoring conscience, have
finally wrecked their faith” (1Tim. 1:18-19).
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Malachy Tamunotonye Jude |
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